... it's arrived! My local independent bookshop has managed to get a copy of L M Montgomery's adult novel The Blue Castle. I've only been waiting 5 years! I first heard about this novel on the chicklit forums where it has quite a following. I'm going to take it to Brighton with me next week and I hope to read it on the beach.
Nightingale Wood is a sweet fairy tale about thwarted love with a cast of female lead characters, Viola, named by her Shakespearean father, Hetty, bookish and rebellious, Madge whose whole life revolves around her dog and Tina, my favourite, who married her father's chauffeur. Set in the late 1930's there are lots of references to Lyons Corner House and Woolworths but Gibbons never lets us forget the horrors of wartime England and the rise of Communism.
I devoured all of L.M. Montgomery's books when I was young. Or nearly all...I didn't know about this one! K x
I loved the Anne books when I was younger, but never tried The Blue Castle. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on it.
Also, I wasn't aware until your recent posts that there was another Gibbons novel in print... I didn't love Cold Comfort Farm like many do, but I think I would like to try Nightingale Wood.
This sounds charming. I haven't read L.M. Montgomery as Anne doesn't really appeal to me, but since you say this is for older readers..
Anyway, I need a book with BLUE on the title for the Colorful Reading Challenge. Was going to read Girl in a Blue Dress, but now it's a toss up.
Oh my goodness! We're on the same page. I will look forward to reading your comments on this one. I've been on an L. M. Montgomery binge for about a year, but haven't read this one.
Sounds delightful. Isn't it fantastic to finally hold in your hands a book so long awaited!
You must have a beautiful garden, or else a good florist nearby, judging by all the pretty flowers you include in your book photos!
I too have been looking around for this book for absolutely ages. I follow Elaine on Random Jottings and from her recommendation I have bought Vol 1 of her Journals, and I'm completely hooked. But I would still like to read this book;I can see that I will have to get onto my local Waterston’s to see if they can find a copy.
Looking forward to your review of this book.
So glad you finally found a copy of this!
Kristina, I've only read Anne of Green Gables, I'd like to read some of the others.
Steph, yes CCF was never a favourite of mine, I didn't get what she was satirising. I enjoyed NW - not a great literary novel - but an absorbing read.
Claire, I am really enjoying the Blue Castle, Montgomery has quite wicked humour in this book. Hope you can read it for your challenge.
Mad Housewife, I think I may go on a Montgomery binge, too. I can't put The Blue Castle down.
Sarah, The asters and hyrdrangeas come from my garden. I'm not much of a gardener though - it cuts into valuable reading time!!
Jennifer, yes, Elaine has written some excellent Montgomery posts. I'd like to read the journals.
Tara, some books are worth waiting for!!
How lovely, I always love the high you get when you find hard-to-get novels. I've been looking for vintage Saki for a while now with no luck.
The Blue Castle is excellent, I hope you enjoy it!
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