I'm still deeply engrossed in Antonia White novels but that doesn't mean I can't plan my autumn reading. I've bought a new copy of an old favourite, Dodie Smith's
I Capture the Castle which I always like to re-read at this time of year. My last copy fell victim to a cup of hot tea. I'm not very good at looking after books. Sometimes I spill sun-cream, coffee or (worse) blackcurrant fruit tea on them and sometimes the pages or covers get bent because I carry them around all the time in my bag. But at least that proves I read them, right? I also bought an
eco-friendly book bag because it name checks
Love in a Cold Climate on the back!
This is a lovely edition, so I suppose it's not so bad that you had to replace your old copy!
Hi Tara, I'll try to take more care of this one ... thank you so much for visiting my blog, I've been checking out yours for a while. Nicola
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