I'm not the fastest reader in the world and the density of Victorian prose requires concentration so it has taken me a couple of weeks to read the enjoyable 600+ page novel
Shirley by Charlotte Bronte. Shirley has two female heroines, Caroline
Helstone, who is quiet, shy, graceful and hopelessly in love with the dour mill-owner, Robert Moore. Caroline is the epitome of demure womanhood, but a bit wet, so it's a relief when the heiress Shirley
Keeldar makes her appearance half way through the novel. Shirley is something of a Calamity Jane, well-meaning, generous and fond of firing pistols, intercepting dog fights and adopting masculine expressions. Shirley becomes good friends with Caroline but she rather likes Robert, too ....
Of course, I now want to re-read Jane Eyre and Villette.
I love Charlotte Bronte! She's one of my favourite authors.
PS. those covers are gorgeous (my Austens don't match, but I can't even replace them because they're in relatively good condition)
I have bought Shirley, it arrived yesterday. :)
Not going to read it yet, I want to finish the R.I.P. Challenge first. Winter will be a good time, I think.
tuesday, hi. I think I'm going to re-read Villette next. It's many years since I read it. Probably get the paperback though as I've blown my budget for hardbacks for the rest of the year!
lethe, looking forward to your thoughts on Shirley.
Love your blog and the pictures you take of your books. I started doing that but stopped. I think I want to take it up again. :)
Love Jane Eyre, too.
Claire, thank you for visiting and commenting. Charlotte Bronte fans are most welcome!! Nicola
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